8:26 am Local Time
27°F / -2.7°C
Feels Like:
25°F / -4.1°C
10 Mi / 16.1 Km
3-Hour Precip:
0 In / 0.0 Cm
Winds (NE)
5.6 MPH / 9 KPH
12.4 MPH / 19.9 KPH
Forecast weather and driving conditions follow the jump. These include an hour-by-hour forecast for the next 12-hours, a three-day forecast and an extended forecast, for extended travel planning.
An area traffic map, with available traffic cameras, shows driving conditions, from current traffic to mother nature's influence on the road. These follow the short-range forecasts below.
There is no currently-available traffic camera feed for this location.
Wednesday forecast: Considerable clouds with snow, mainly later, accumulating 1-3 inches; breezy and chilly; rapidly deteriorating road conditions; expect slow and slippery travel
100% Chance Snow
29° F/-1.7° C
ENE Wind
15 to 25 Mi/
24 to 41 Km
6:51 AM
Wednesday night: Considerable clouds with snow, mainly later, accumulating 1-3 inches; breezy and chilly; rapidly deteriorating road conditions; expect slow and slippery travel
99% Chance Snow
15° F/-9.4° C
NNW Wind
10 to 16 Mi/
17 to 26 Km
5:21 PM
Thursday forecast: Brisk and bitterly cold with sunshine and a few clouds; expect slippery travel early, then some improvement
7% Chance Snow
18° F/-7.8° C
W Wind
15 to 23 Mi/
24 to 37 Km
6:50 AM
Thursday night: Brisk and bitterly cold with sunshine and a few clouds; expect slippery travel early, then some improvement
0% Chance Rain
2° F/-16.7° C
WSW Wind
7 to 17 Mi/
11 to 28 Km
5:22 PM
Friday forecast: Not as cold; partly sunny in the morning, then clouds and breezy with snow late in the afternoon
Mostly Cloudy W/ Flurries
55% Chance Snow
28° F/-2.2° C
SSE Wind
13 to 21 Mi/
20 to 33 Km
6:49 AM
Friday night: Not as cold; partly sunny in the morning, then clouds and breezy with snow late in the afternoon
94% Chance Snow
24° F/-4.4° C
S Wind
13 to 20 Mi/
20 to 32 Km
5:23 PM
This toll plaza is located in Chicago, at GPS 41.74238 x -87.83277. Justice is nearby.
This location is in the Chicagoland - Northwestern Indiana area.
The next exit is West 95th Street/US 20, approximately 2.0 miles away ►
◄ The previous exit is Archer Avenue / LaGrange Road, approximately 1.0 mile away.
Above: Photo by Turnpikes.comPan and zoom the map as you desire. Select cameras to see on-road traffic feeds; pick exits and other markers for conditions at those locations.
Journey to key destinations around and adjacent to Illinois!
Communities in this metro area include Chicago, Aurora, Oak Lawn, Des Plaines, Waukegan, Highland Park, Gary, Indiana, Schaumburg, Naperville, Oak Brook, and Joliet.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.
Communities in this metro area include Gary, South Bend, Elkhart, Portage, and Fremont.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.