Legal Policies: Privacy Policy |

Privacy Policy For The Turnpike Authority®


Welcome to this website, owned and operated by Turnpike Information Company ("TURNPIKE"), a subsidiary of Rodan Media Group Corporation ("RODAN"). Both companies are corporations organized under the laws of the state of Florida. Use of this website is subject the terms and conditions delineated herein. We strongly recommend you also read our Terms Of Use.

These conditions may be modified at any time, without prior notice to the user. It is your responsibility to check for modifications. By utilizing this website or ordering any products or services, you agree to the conditions outlined on these pages; if you do not agree to these conditions, you may not use this website.

Overview And Legal Venue

We take your right to privacy seriously. We want you to feel comfortable using this web site. This privacy policy deals with personally-identifiable information (referred to as "data" below) that may be collected by this site. This policy does not apply to other entities that are not owned or controlled by TURNPIKE, nor does it apply to persons that are not employees or agents of TURNPIKE, or that are not under the control of TURNPIKE.

For transparency, third party entities that are used by TURNPIKE for the collection of data are named hereinbelow.

Use of this website shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America, the state of Florida, where applicable, or any ordinances of Palm Beach County or the city of West Palm Beach. Users making use of this site stipulate that any claim arising from the use of this site will be heard either in the 15th Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, or the United States Circuit Court in the Southern District of Florida, in West Palm Beach.

Information We Gather From Visitors

Neither TURNPIKE nor RODAN collect any names, addresses, emails, telephone numbers or other, similar contact information from users without direct user input and consent. When this information is gathered, it is entered manually by a user on a form. See the "Forms and Purchases" section below for clarification.

In common with other websites, we keep log files, stored on the website's server, saving details such as a visitor's IP address, the network used by the visitor, if provided by the network, the browser utilized, the device used, any referring page, the time of the visit, and the pages visited.

Third-party analytics are used to record pages visited by users, where those users are located and what devices and browsers are being used. These third-party analytics may gather additional information about presumptive age, gender, income, marital status, ethnicity, nationality and other demographic data used to analyze and quantify visitor behavior and trends.

TURNPIKE uses Google Analytics, Quantcast and Cloudflare. Data from these third-party analytics are kept on third-party servers that are not under the control of TURNPIKE. However, TURNPIKE does maintain copies of some of this analytics data at its media offices in West Palm Beach, Florida.


A cookie is a file stored on your device that contains specific information that can be utilized during a single user visit or maintained for a longer period, so that information about user preferences may be set quickly for future visits. Often, several cookies are stored each time you visit. serves and stores both first-party and third-party cookies on your device. We may store both session cookies and longer-term, persistent cookies, in order to provide a seamless browsing experience or to help provide a personalized ad experience. Some cookies are required, while other cookies are optional.

First-party cookies are those served by, while third-party cookies are served by both vendors and advertisers on any of the advertising networks we may use. Currently, is using Google AdSense for its primary ad network.

Session cookies, sometimes called transient cookies, will be those cookies designed to remain on your device during a single session, or visit, but generally are deleted after you leave the website by either closing the browser window or browser tab in which our website is being displayed. Some session cookies may be set to remain active for a period of an hour. Session cookies are set in order to maintain specific preferences or selection settings that you may have chosen during your visit, so that you do not need to continually reselect basic settings, such as the state or roadway you are traveling. A random session identification number is assigned by the server to associate the visit with the user device. This number will change with each new visitor session.

Persistent cookies are designed to remain on your device for several months, and these are designed to remember previous visits or pages visited, as well as follow your browsing history, where permitted, to provide personalized advertising experiences.

For a detailed explanation of how cookies work, and the specific functions that are performed by various types of cookies, please visit

Required Cookies requires the user to accept certain, essential cookies in order to utilize the website. If you do not agree to accept these cookies, you may not use the website.

Required cookies, which we deem essential for your visit, include both transient and persistent cookies.

Some transient and persistent cookies that are served by include those from our server-side analytics programs, which are designed to count the number of visits to the website, the referral source of the visitor, the internet protocol (IP) address of the visitor, as well as the landing page and other pages visited, and all elements accessed by the visitor, including any scripts or media on pages the user has visited. No personally identifiable information is tracked.

We maintain records of these in our visitor logs, some of which are kept on our servers on a short-term basis, and others which are stored on electronic media, e.g., computer hard disk drives (HDD), computer solid-state drives (SSD), storage microchips or cards, such as SD cards, and stand-alone HDDs or SSDs we use for archives. Records are maintained in perpetuity, in order to track long-term traffic trends, both seasonal and annual, as well as short-term trends.

These electronic media and data records are maintained either within the confines of our physical offices, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, or at a storage facility leased by, also located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

In addition to our server-side analytics programs, we use third-party companies to monitor our visitor traffic. The information we collect includes, but may not be limited to, the referral source of the user traffic, the geographic locations of users, the hostnames and internet protocol (IP) addresses of the users, the time of day visited, the duration of the visit, the pages visited, and time spent on each page. These third-party companies include, but may not be limited to, Cloudflare, Google and Quantcast.

Cloudflare is used as both a security network, content-delivery network and for tracking visitor traffic. Cloudflare data are used primarily for security purposes, to track short-term and long-term visitor trends that may reveal security threats to, its users, its vendors or its advertisers. No personally identifiable information is collected or shared with

To view Cloudflare's cookie policy, please visit

We utilize Google Analytics to collect metadata about the city-level location and granular device details of our user, including the device type, the operating system and browser used, and versions of same. No personally identifiable information is collected or shared with

To view Google's cookie policy, please visit

We use Quantcast to collect granular user data, such as estimated age, gender, family composition, ethnicity, nationality, income level, shopping preferences, brand preferences, media interests, education level and occupation. No personally identifiable information is collected or shared with

To view Quantcast's privacy policy, please visit

Data from Cloudflare, Google and Quantcast are maintained online, on the servers controlled by these third-party vendors, in perpetuity, for as long as is permitted by these vendors. Some data, as needed for long-term analysis or for information-technology security (ITSec) monitoring, may be preserved on servers controlled by, or on stored on electronic media as previously outlined herein above.

Why Does Need This Data?

TURNPIKE uses this data in order to understand how users utilize and interact with the content and data on the website. Knowing the type of content our visitors use, and understanding how users in different regions make use of that data, provides TURNPIKE the information required to concentrate development on areas of greatest consumer and user interest and demand. By knowing which devices and browsers our visitors use most, we can maintain compatibility requirements to serve properly the content delivered by the website.

Optional Cookies permits third-party cookies for the explicit purpose of personalization of ad services. These may include transient and persistent cookies. These third-party cookies are optional, and you may opt-out of data collection as specified below.

For the purposes of ads personalization, users of Google services, who are logged into their accounts, may have their data accessed by Google Analytics when visiting This information enables Google to track users who are logged-in to their Google accounts across multiple devices and platforms.

User information Google Analytics may associate with may with you may include end user location, search history, YouTube history, and data from sites that partner with Google.

Google aggregates and anonymizes this data, and does not share users’ personal information with at any time. This anonymous data is only used to provide insight into the cross-device behaviors of its own user base.

No personally identifiable information is shared with; however, you may choose not to share any of this data.

To opt-out of this data sharing, visit the specific opt-out page on Google Tools, located at This link will enable you to install an extension to your browser that will let you control how Google Analytics associates your Google account data with your browsing behavior. You may also access the data Google gathers, and delete that data, at your discretion, by visiting permits third-party advertisers, via Google Adsense, to leave third-party cookies, both session cookies and persistent cookies, on its visitors' devices, which track browsing behavior, in order to personalize ad serving and serve more relevant advertising to users.

You may control the cookies that are used by visiting Google's My Ad Center at You may also use the Digital Advertising Alliance website and choose which ad networks are permitted to view your browsing behavior, for ad personalization and customization, by visiting

Non-personalized advertising is served to visitors in many countries outside the United States, as TURNPIKE does not presently cover toll roads or issues outside of North America.

Forms And Purchases

Where email forms or puchase forms are used, the information provided voluntarily by the visitor may be stored in a database on the server utilized by TURNPIKE. This is particularly true when a sale is consummated. This data is maintained in perpetuity, either in said database, which is located on a web server, or in the form of digital backup or a SQL archive file, both of which may be maintained in digital format at our media offices in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Emails sent to TURNPIKE, either via the visitor email form on the /contact.php page, or via order notifications triggered by the order form pages at /orders/order-form.php, are maintained by TURNPIKE on its own servers as well as a third-party email server used by TURNPIKE.

Information contained on the any forms submitted through this website will be retained by RODAN and TURNPIKE, in perpetuity, for internal use and to consummate any purchase of goods or services.

This information we save does not include any payment information on the part of the user, even when a purchase is made. All payment information is encrypted and sent to our payment processors, either Stripe, Paypal or other third-party vendor as may be used, from time to time.

This site does not RETAIN any credit card information from its users for any products or services purchased. All information regarding payment for products and services is gathered by our third-party payment processors, and only when necessary to consummate a purchase. Please refer to the privacy policies of our third-party affiliates and vendors for further information about how your credit card information is handled.

No information provided by the user will ever be sold or otherwise conveyed to any third party in any manner, whatsoever, except as may be required to consummate your purchase of goods and services or to comply with local, state or federal laws.

Email And Communication

At any time you initiate communication with TURNPIKE or RODAN, including for the purchase of any goods or services, we may send email to you, directly, in resonse to your email to us. We may further send emails to you to inform you of news of our services or offers by us or our affiliates, only when you have previously sent communications to us. At any time you wish to opt-out of receiving emails from TURNPIKE or RODAN, simply reply to our communications with "REMOVE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line, and you will be taken off our list email recipients.

Even under conditions where an request to opt-out has been received, any further communication by you or a purchase of a product or service by you, through this website, may result in new communications from us.

Where Is Collected Data Preserved?

Data gathered by TURNPIKE, and third-party analytics data that TURNPIKE may preserve, are maintained either on its web servers or at its West Palm Beach, Florida media offices or at a third-party storage facility used by TURNPIKE for storage and archive purposes.

In the case of data collected by the TURNPIKE web server, not by third-party analytics, these data are maintained on the server, in perpetuity, and may, from time to time, be copied and preserved by TURNPIKE to its local offices.

In the case of data that is copied from TURNPIKE's server or from third-party analytics sources, data are stored either at the West Palm Beach media office or on digital storage devices that are preserved in a climate-controlled storage facility in West Palm Beach, Florida.

No user data collected by third-party advertisers' networks is maintained by TURNPIKE.

Who Has Access To The Data?

In the case of data preserved by TURNPIKE, only TURNPIKE has access to the data. Data are not shared with any third party, except in circumstances where TURNPIKE is required to share data by law, such as a bona fide law-enforcement request, a subpoena, either local, state or federal, criminal or civil.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the policies and terms on this website, please contact the duly appointed registered agent of TURNPIKE at

You may also send written communications to the following address:

ATTN: Donnie Goodwin, Esq.
Turnpike Information Company
Sixth Floor Suite 600
500 South Australian Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 USA

Supplemental Privacy Policy For Hotel Reservations

Specific, supplemental privacy terms govern hotel reservations and lodging, as required by our third-party reservations partners. Please, be sure to review the Hotels Privacy Policy associated with hotel reservations booked through our network, as posted on

If you are reserving a hotel through TURNPIKE, these supplemental privacy terms will apply to you, and they are to be taken in addition to the privacy terms delineated on this page.

Most Recent Update

This page was last updated April 18, 2024.