This toll plaza is located in Chicago. Justice is nearby.
This location is in the Chicagoland - Northwestern Indiana area.
This location's approximate GPS Coordinates are 41.74238 x -87.83277.
The next exit is West 95th Street/US 20, approximately 2.0 miles away ►
◄ The previous exit is Archer Avenue / LaGrange Road, approximately 1.0 mile away.
Which direction are tolls charged here?
The interactive map will help you orient this location in relationship to other junctions.
Current driving conditions and weather may also be found below the map.
Because of the nature of this location, no services are displayed. On most exit or junction pages, a summary of the closest services around the junction will be shown, along with detailed lists of services within two miles.
Mostly Cloudy
15°F / -9.3°C
Feels Like:
22°F / -5.7°C
10 Mi / 16.1 Km
3-Hour Precip:
0 In / 0.0 Cm
Winds (N)
1.6 MPH / 2.6 KPH
3.9 MPH / 6.3 KPH
▸ Get the full forecast for the Chicagoland - Northwestern Indiana area
About this photo:
Photo taken 07-04-2014
Journey to key destinations around and adjacent to Illinois!
Communities in this metro area include Chicago, Aurora, Oak Lawn, Des Plaines, Waukegan, Highland Park, Gary, Indiana, Schaumburg, Naperville, Oak Brook, and Joliet.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.
Communities in this metro area include Gary, South Bend, Elkhart, Portage, and Fremont.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.