Newark Traffic And Weather

Static map of Dumbarton Bridge at Thornton Avenue

Right Now At Thornton Avenue and The Dumbarton Bridge

Current Weather And Visibility

7:15 am Local Time

  • 07 7 02
  • Cloudy

    44°F / 6.5°C

    Feels Like:

    42°F / 5.6°C

  • Visibility

    10 Mi / 16.1 Km

    3-Hour Precip:

    0.05 In / 0.1 Cm

  • East Northeast
    Winds (ENE)

    2.8 MPH / 4.4 KPH


    7 MPH / 11.3 KPH

Conditions and forecasts provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Weather provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Forecast weather and driving conditions follow the jump. These include an hour-by-hour forecast for the next 12-hours, a three-day forecast and an extended forecast, for extended travel planning.

An area traffic map, with available traffic cameras, shows driving conditions, from current traffic to mother nature's influence on the road. These follow the short-range forecasts below.

Driving Forecast ▾Traffic Map ▾


Driving Forecast For Newark, At Thornton Avenue

Next 12 Hours

7:15 am Local Time

Conditions and forecasts provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Weather provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Available Cameras

No camera feed …

There is no currently-available traffic camera feed for this location.

Next Three (3) Days

Wednesday February 12

Wednesday forecast: Mostly cloudy and cool

Mostly Cloudy

25% Chance Rain

55° F/12.8° C

ESE Wind

7 to 8 Mi/

11 to 13 Km


7:01 AM

Wednesday night: Mostly cloudy and cool


98% Chance Rain

52° F/11.1° C

S Wind

12 to 25 Mi/

19 to 41 Km


5:44 PM

Thursday February 13

Thursday forecast: Breezy with periods of rain, some heavy, and a thunderstorm; heavy rain can cause flooding on streets and poor drainage areas and lead to slow travel


97% Chance Rain

61° F/16.1° C

SSW Wind

15 to 31 Mi/

24 to 50 Km


7:00 AM

Thursday night: Breezy with periods of rain, some heavy, and a thunderstorm; heavy rain can cause flooding on streets and poor drainage areas and lead to slow travel


91% Chance Rain

51° F/10.6° C

WSW Wind

10 to 18 Mi/

17 to 30 Km


5:45 PM

Friday February 14

Friday forecast: Breezy in the morning with a passing shower; otherwise, considerable cloudiness


55% Chance Rain

60° F/15.6° C

W Wind

12 to 25 Mi/

19 to 41 Km


6:59 AM

Friday night: Breezy in the morning with a passing shower; otherwise, considerable cloudiness

Mostly Cloudy

19% Chance Rain

40° F/4.4° C

NNW Wind

5 to 9 Mi/

7 to 15 Km


5:46 PM


Interactive Traffic Map

Thornton Avenue

At A Glance

This junction is located in Newark, at GPS 37.54018 x -122.06746.

This location is in the San Francisco Bay Area area.

◄ The previous exit is University Avenue, approximately 5.7 miles away.

Above: Map image © TomTom Intl BV

Area Traffic Conditions

Pan and zoom the map as you desire. Select cameras to see on-road traffic feeds; pick exits and other markers for conditions at those locations.


Extended Forecast For Newark, At Thornton Avenue

Ten (10) Day Travel Planner

Go Online Before You Go On The Road!®

Conditions and forecasts provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Weather provided in partnership with AccuWeather.

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Journey to key destinations around and adjacent to California!

Map Of This Region ▹

Communities in this metro area include Los Angeles, Long Beach, Irvine, San Juan Capistrano, and Santa Ana.

Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.

Map Of This Region ▹

Communities in this metro area include San Diego, Chula Vista, and Tijuana, Mexico.

Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.

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